Welcome to Muslim Charities Forum

Muslim Charities Forum joins the Vision for Volunteering.

The Vision for Volunteering are pleased to announce Muslim Charities Forum as the newest member of their partnership board. 

The Vision for Volunteering, which is funded by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), is run by an equal partnership of organisations which already includes DCMS, NCVO, NAVCA, AVM and Volunteering Matters. In April 2023, the board started looking for a new partner to diversify its perspectives and bring new voices to the table. 

Muslim Charities Forum represents a large community of faith-based social action, volunteering and aid organisations. It aims to support, connect and represent the sector by providing access to resources, training, networking and advocacy to encourage the spread of good practice. 

Fadi Itani, CEO of Muslim Charities Forum, said: “We are delighted to join the Vision for Volunteering Partnership. The importance and value of volunteering is not to be underestimated and upholds a lot of the amazing work being delivered across civil society. The Vision for Volunteering themes and values resonate with MCF and we are excited to help and be involved in transforming volunteering for the long-term wellbeing of all involved.” 

Laura Lowther, Vision for Volunteering Lead, said: “On behalf of the Vision for Volunteering partnership, I want to extend a warm welcome to Muslim Charities Forum. We are genuinely thrilled to have Fadi and his team join our movement as a partner and look forward to listening and learning lots, ensuring we amplify their wonderful work. We know that the future of volunteering will be enriched and enhanced as a result of this exciting new collaboration.” 


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