The Vision for Volunteering looks at the future of volunteering across five themes.

These themes explore the areas that have the most potential for change and impact over the next ten years. Use these themes to explore what the future of volunteering looks like for you.

Awareness and appreciation


Equity and Inclusion



1. Awareness and appreciation

A future where a culture of volunteering is part of everyone's life and volunteer roles are given the recognition they deserve. 

This means that, by 2032:

  • Volunteering is something we all do across the different settings and stages of our lives. It has equal validity alongside public and private endeavours, and we are proud to talk about it.

  • Organisations involving volunteers understand how and when volunteers want to engage.

  • Volunteer voices are embedded in the leadership and design of volunteering initiatives, driving how they are involved.

  • Volunteering is appreciated by individuals, communities, organisations and policy makers as helping to enrich lives and enliven communities.

  • The appreciation and celebration of volunteering is supported by common metrics for measuring volunteering which have been adopted by central and local government, and organisations involving volunteers.

How should this feel for volunteers by 2032?

‘Over my lifetime I’ve been involved in all kinds of different volunteering activities which have suited what’s mattered most to me and my availability at the time.’

‘As someone who was homeless, I care about helping others who have experienced homelessness. I love being able to easily move between organisations supporting this cause.’

‘When I hear politicians or newspapers talk about how much volunteers contribute to communities, the economy and society, I know that my efforts are being appreciated.’

2. Power

A future where volunteers (and the communities they serve) lead on change that matters to them.​

This means that, by 2032:

  • Everyone can engage within their community, identifying what matters to them and building the future they want to see

  • People supporting volunteers work alongside them as equals, channelling their interests and passions and supporting them to make change

  • First-hand experience is valued and the focus is on people’s ability to make change, whatever their role. People are supported to move between roles - volunteering, paid work and accessing services

  • Decisions are made by those best placed to make them, not based on a hierarchy

  • We recognise who is missing in our volunteering spaces and have the confidence and ability to rectify this and redistribute power

  • People working alongside volunteers are accountable to communities as well as to government or funders. Our focus is on building equitable relationships and deep connections. 

  • Emerging social movements, causes and campaigns are supported and recognised within a wider movement for change. They work alongside and positively disrupt more established organisations. Larger or better resourced organisations support and enable groups with fewer resources. 

How should this feel for volunteers by 2032?

‘I have the power to shape my community and to influence what’s happening around me.’

‘Power is shared with me by people with influence and I am supported to take control.’

‘Things are done with, not to, me - I’m listened to, respected and my views are properly taken into account.’

3. Equity and inclusion

A future where it’s easy for people to give their time and energy to the causes they care about, they feel welcomed, and the benefits are equally distributed.​

This means that, by 2032:

  • We have built and continue to foster cultures that are inclusive of all who want to give their time, making sure volunteering can fit with people’s identity, background and life experience

  • By listening to people who experience exclusion from volunteering, organisations and groups remove barriers and provide additional support, to ensure that everyone who wants to can volunteer

  • We encourage people to raise concerns about discrimination or inequity, welcome it as an opportunity to improve, and effectively address issues

  • Those in powerful leadership and governance roles look and sound like the communities they serve, which increases legitimacy and trust

  • We consider who has relationships with those who are marginalised and collaborate with others to make sure everyone is included

  • Good data on volunteering demographics is consistently captured, shared and used to drive change

  • Those who support volunteers have the resources, networks, and time to learn and adapt in order to be more inclusive. We share our good practice.

How should this feel for volunteers by 2032?

‘Wherever I chose to volunteer, I’m confident that I will be welcome and won’t experience discrimination.’

‘I am supported to have full access to volunteering opportunities.’

‘I’m confident that if I raise concerns about discrimination or inequity that I will be taken seriously by others.’

4. Collaboration

A future where collaboration is natural and spontaneous, where people do great stuff together because they want to.​

This means that, by 2032:

  • Organisations support and champion communities to drive their own collaborative activity and don’t feel the need to ‘own’ activity 

  • Volunteers play an essential role in building seamless collaborations within and across all sectors 

  • Collaboration nurtures and supports new people and organisations to engage in new projects 

  • Moving between organisations and projects is normal and welcome – sharing of people, talent and connections is how we all work

  • We tackle the barriers that organisations can put up – we recruit, train and work with volunteers jointly wherever we can

  • Within an organisation or a movement, volunteers and paid staff collaborate well together - helping each other, learning from each other and recognising the value one another brings.

How should this feel for volunteers by 2032?

‘I am supported to bring my skills, knowledge and experience to working with new people and groups.’

‘I am encouraged to work with people and organisations that share our goals.’

‘I move freely between projects and organisations and am encouraged to contribute flexibly in whichever way works for me.’

5. Experimentation

A future where communities aren't afraid to try new things to develop their own, innovative solutions to engaging and supporting volunteers.​

This means that, by 2032:

  • Experimentation is not reserved for times of crisis, but is incorporated into the way volunteering works day-to-day

  • Communities are supported to experiment and innovate to develop their own solutions

  • Those that create an enabling environment for volunteering - leaders, funders, trustees and government at all levels - support a culture of experimentation. This means that communities and organisations are trusted to design projects as they see fit, learn and adapt 

  • Relationships are built on trust. We avoid overly bureaucratic systems, instead balancing change and flexibility with the need to protect people’s safety and wellbeing at all times

  • We embrace a genuine learning culture – seeking out and listening to those with expertise, wherever this lies, building on what works well, learning when things go wrong, and staying curious

  • We learn from and move on from approaches that are not working. We become less fearful of being seen to ‘fail’.

How should this feel for volunteers by 2032?

‘I feel confident and able to try new things - if I give feedback on my experiences, and share ideas I know I will be listened to.’

‘We’re focused learning and improving, not on doing things the way we always have. We’re not afraid of things going wrong.’

‘I learn so much from my volunteering - through meeting others and seeing new approaches.’