The Vision for Volunteering is a national framework - but needs to be understood in a local context to work best for local communities.

Check out some of the examples here of local organisations who have taken the national Vision for Volunteering and applied it to their local strengths, needs and direction of travel. If you have created your own or are thinking of creating your own, please do get in touch - we’d love to provide support!

Birmingham Vision for Volunteering

Birmingham’s Vision was co-produced with citizens, voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise organisations, as well as the public sector and local academic partners. It sets out an aspirational view for volunteering in Birmingham by 2027 under the three principles of celebrating difference, collaboration and awareness and appreciation.

Norfolk Vision for Volunteering

Norfolk’s Vision for Volunteering is of a county where volunteering flourishes and is supported by vibrant communities and a resilient VCSE sector. A place where everyone volunteers at multiple points in their lifetime and where opportunities are flexible and accessible, and volunteers thrive.

Oxfordshire Vision for Volunteering

Oxfordshire’s Vision for Volunteering used extensive engagement to develop ten principles: include everyone, keep it personal, value the person, nurture relationships, offer flexibility, make it enjoyable, training and support matters, create space for experimentation, fund it, and build community.